Tastemade video work

Food in motion

Tastemade is a content powerhouse when it comes to food media. Through my years of working with Tastemade I have had the pleasure of working on an extremely wide variety of different projects. These are just a few of my favorites. 

McCormick 13 Spice Fried Chicken

The clients main request for us was to create a piece revolving around a recipe that used as many herbs and spices as possible. We captured this project with a phantom camera for high speed capture with refined detail to create mesmerizing capture in the simplest moments.   

Foods of Jordan

In the space of hands only content we needed to branch out and expand out horizons. To ensure accuracy, we skipped the research and went right to the source, working with a family of parents who had emigrated from Jordan.

Like a chef: Salt and Straw

This was one of my favorite series developed at Tastemade, working with talented culinary experts to learn techniques and experiences.  

Old fashioned

This is one of the first pieces I worked on with Tastemade, a trial concept shot with inexpensive equipment that became the basis and inspiration for many branded pieces based around drink and alcohol brands. 

Using Format